Waikeria Prison Development

Rehabilitation and Whānau Support Central to Corrections Facility Design

Waikeria Prison Development
Waikeria Prison Development
Waikeria Prison Development
Waikeria Prison Development

Project Credits


Ara Poutama Aotearoa / Department of Corrections

Date Completed

In Progress


Public & Civic

Project Governance
No items found.
Project Lead

Brian Squair

A sympathetic design ethos that focuses on prisoner rehabilitation and whānau support will result in an innovative Corrections facility in the heart of the Waikato.

Rehabilitation, education and training spaces for community integration programmes are central to the design of Waikeria Prison’s development, which is set to benefit around 2,000 male prisoners each year.

Commissioned by Ara Poutama Aotearoa / Department of Corrections, the new prisoner rehabilitation facility delivers on the Department’s key priorities and organisational strategy Hōkai Rangi, to provide great outcomes with and for Māori in Corrections care and their whānau.

The project, led by international design practice, MODE, has seen Chow:Hill co-design seven of the custodial and non-custodial buildings on the 21-hectare site, situated adjacent to the existing Waikeria Prison. 

As part of the team delivering this PPP, Chow:Hill has carefully contributed to the design of a safe, secure and respectful environment for up to 500 people, with extensive space for whānau interaction. The ground-breaking initiative, Hikitia, a separate 100-bed facility dedicated to mental health and addiction services, is the first of its kind in New Zealand.

The entire Waikeria Prison Development, which is being undertaken in collaboration with Ngāti Maniapoto, Raukawa, and the Waikato District Health Board to implement the Mana Whenua – Ahi Kā Model of Care, is also incorporating greater use of technology as well as modern accommodation facilities, designed to decrease prisoner tension and improve staff working conditions.

MODE and Chow:Hill’s vision for the world-class facility, scheduled for completion in August 2022, reflects the ethos of the project, to provide wraparound services to those in prison who need the most help in a bid to reduce reoffending and establish a new way of life.

Waikeria Prison Development

Project Overview


Ara Poutama Aotearoa / Department of Corrections


In Progress

A sympathetic design ethos that focuses on prisoner rehabilitation and whānau support will result in an innovative Corrections facility in the heart of the Waikato.

Rehabilitation, education and training spaces for community integration programmes are central to the design of Waikeria Prison’s development, which is set to benefit around 2,000 male prisoners each year.

Commissioned by Ara Poutama Aotearoa / Department of Corrections, the new prisoner rehabilitation facility delivers on the Department’s key priorities and organisational strategy Hōkai Rangi, to provide great outcomes with and for Māori in Corrections care and their whānau.

The project, led by international design practice, MODE, has seen Chow:Hill co-design seven of the custodial and non-custodial buildings on the 21-hectare site, situated adjacent to the existing Waikeria Prison. 

As part of the team delivering this PPP, Chow:Hill has carefully contributed to the design of a safe, secure and respectful environment for up to 500 people, with extensive space for whānau interaction. The ground-breaking initiative, Hikitia, a separate 100-bed facility dedicated to mental health and addiction services, is the first of its kind in New Zealand.

The entire Waikeria Prison Development, which is being undertaken in collaboration with Ngāti Maniapoto, Raukawa, and the Waikato District Health Board to implement the Mana Whenua – Ahi Kā Model of Care, is also incorporating greater use of technology as well as modern accommodation facilities, designed to decrease prisoner tension and improve staff working conditions.

MODE and Chow:Hill’s vision for the world-class facility, scheduled for completion in August 2022, reflects the ethos of the project, to provide wraparound services to those in prison who need the most help in a bid to reduce reoffending and establish a new way of life.

Waikeria Prison DevelopmentWaikeria Prison Development
Waikeria Prison DevelopmentWaikeria Prison DevelopmentWaikeria Prison Development
Waikeria Prison Development

Project Credits


Waikeria Prison Development


In Progress

Project Type

Public & Civic

Waikeria Prison Development

Project Overview


Ara Poutama Aotearoa / Department of Corrections


In Progress

A sympathetic design ethos that focuses on prisoner rehabilitation and whānau support will result in an innovative Corrections facility in the heart of the Waikato.

Rehabilitation, education and training spaces for community integration programmes are central to the design of Waikeria Prison’s development, which is set to benefit around 2,000 male prisoners each year.

Commissioned by Ara Poutama Aotearoa / Department of Corrections, the new prisoner rehabilitation facility delivers on the Department’s key priorities and organisational strategy Hōkai Rangi, to provide great outcomes with and for Māori in Corrections care and their whānau.

The project, led by international design practice, MODE, has seen Chow:Hill co-design seven of the custodial and non-custodial buildings on the 21-hectare site, situated adjacent to the existing Waikeria Prison. 

As part of the team delivering this PPP, Chow:Hill has carefully contributed to the design of a safe, secure and respectful environment for up to 500 people, with extensive space for whānau interaction. The ground-breaking initiative, Hikitia, a separate 100-bed facility dedicated to mental health and addiction services, is the first of its kind in New Zealand.

The entire Waikeria Prison Development, which is being undertaken in collaboration with Ngāti Maniapoto, Raukawa, and the Waikato District Health Board to implement the Mana Whenua – Ahi Kā Model of Care, is also incorporating greater use of technology as well as modern accommodation facilities, designed to decrease prisoner tension and improve staff working conditions.

MODE and Chow:Hill’s vision for the world-class facility, scheduled for completion in August 2022, reflects the ethos of the project, to provide wraparound services to those in prison who need the most help in a bid to reduce reoffending and establish a new way of life.

Waikeria Prison DevelopmentWaikeria Prison Development
Waikeria Prison DevelopmentWaikeria Prison Development
Waikeria Prison DevelopmentWaikeria Prison Development

Project Credits


Waikeria Prison Development


In Progress

Project Type

Public & Civic


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