Since 2009, as members of the NZGBC and SBN; Green Star rated buildings, Chow:Hill has:
- Migrated from petrol to diesel, to hybrid and now moving toward electric cars
- Promoted travel plaing and introduced video-conferencing
- Introduced office HOP cards
- Lowered CO2 emissions marginally per person but up for the company as a whole
- Funded riparian planting through Million Metres Streams
- Monitored all utilities, materials and waste streams
- Introduced Community Days for staff and created flexible workplace employment
- Championed for a diverse team of people
- Operated a transparent business model and actively engaged with our people=
- Sponsored community, cultural and education programmes
- Contributed to biodiversity through urban and rural landscape projects
- Developed internal sustainable design guidelines
- Published ‘SEED’ an internal quarterly promoting sustainable ideas, thinking and practice
- Promoted environmental design measures with our clients and introduced these into projects
- Designed the first NABERS-rated building in New Zealand.
In that period – and whilst establishing and sustaining those activities – we successfully negotiated the global recession and smaller intermittent market downturns, have markedly increased market share in selected areas, expanded our client base, increased productivity, reduced write-off, and increased return on investment to our shareholders.
- Does this infer a relationship? We think a relationship does exist between the values that lie behind sustainable activity, and the sense of purpose that drives the business, and this connects with company prosperity. Our purpose has constantly been directed towards the wellbeing and betterment of our clients and our communities through building relationships, collaboration and design. Engagement creates opportunity between ourselves and long-term clients with similar values, and attracts like-minded others. And yet….there is so much capacity and opportunity beyond this to develop the more sustainable outcomes that are needed and that we would like to achieve in the coming year and beyond.
The number generated of budgeted revenue compared with 104% in 2016-2017, operating margin 17% above budget AND writeoff 14% compared with 21% in 2016-2017.
14 countries
of origin for our diverse team of 32 female and 35 male staff.
160.7 tonnes
Increase in CO2 emissions from 125.5 tones.

Maurice Kiely
Director, Sustainability