The sense of achievement at the end of a challenging design project is what Bella Zhang most enjoys about her burgeoning architecture career.
Curious about shape, words and fundamental design elements, Registered Architect Bella Zhang hadn’t planned a pathway in the design industry. However, her passion for drawing, cartooning, and calligraphy combined with her strength in science, drew Bella to a career in architecture.
Today, that blend of systematic thinking and her natural creative talent means Bella enjoys applying structure to the design process, utilising informative visualisation techniques to greater represent her ideas.
Bella draws inspiration from daily experiences, which she has applied to a variety of project work, in civic and residential design, commercial and education.
In addition to her design contribution on Chow:Hill projects, Bella continues to enjoy engaging in Chinese calligraphy, meditative pen drawings and, unashamedly, describes herself as a great dumpling maker!