Chief Executive

Chow:Hill’s CEO, Kalpana Reddy, brings a wide range of management skill sets to the organisation to ensure successful client and stakeholder service delivery.

Business is in Kalpana Reddy’s DNA which, combined with her experience and expertise in a variety of service industries, means she’s well equipped to support the Chow:Hill team in all aspects of business growth, management and delivery.

The various design disciplines within Chow:Hill were what first attracted Kalpana to the Chief Executive role. Working in a growth-driven industry, where the shaping of stakeholder and community experiences is central to every design project, provides Kalpana with a range of business and HR opportunities from which she can ensure Chow:Hill continues to be a first-choice practice for potential clients.

Kalpana’s strategic approach to establishing solid foundations ensures Chow:Hill’s Auckland/Tāmaki Makaurau and Hamilton/Kirikiriroa studios can develop human resource to meet the demands of the industry, while also delivering on the diverse needs of both existing and prospective clients.

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