Arthur Joe, Principal, Registered Architect, and 30 year veteran of the design industry, shares his learnings as he celebrates a career spanning three decades at Chow:Hill.
Chow:Hill Principal and golf enthusiast, Arthur Joe, is celebrating three decades of connection, collaboration, and creation at Chow:Hill. Renowned for his innovative design strategies that deliver on an eclectic array of client briefs, Arthur shares some highlights and learnings of the past 30 years and reveals what he'd be doing if he hadn't carved such a successful career as an architect.
What is it about architecture that has kept you interested/fulfilled for 30 years?
The large variety of projects and people. Each job is different with its own set of challenges; each solution is unique for every project. I like helping people solve their problems through creative thinking while applying good technical knowledge and smart design. I have really enjoyed working with talented individuals/groups who offer expert opinions and contribute to the overall concept/idea. Working with many enthusiastic, dedicated, and passionate clients makes my job more exciting and pushes me to strive for better results. Working on projects that benefit the community, such as schools and health facilities, has also been a highlight of the past 30 years.
What project(s) are you most proud of and why?
Te Puna o Waikato, Trust Waikato stands out – it was a stunning site with huge history and significance so it needed an equally stunning building to reflect the nature of the site. The project won a 2019 NZIA Waikato, Bay of Plenty Commercial Architecture Award. It was a rewarding project to be involved with because the clients were equally passionate and enthusiastic. In fact, the whole team (clients, consultants, the Project Manager, and contractors) got behind the building to provide a quality result.
Ngāruawāhia High School stands out as a project which had a huge impact on the community, providing a massive boost to morale for the school and its stakeholders. People were in tears because they were so happy. The community get to use the gym, hall and meeting rooms. The school's Principal was very passionate about the project and this rubbed off on the consultants and design.
Another stand out project is Tai Wananga School. It won two NZIA awards, helped Maori students gain a better education, improved health through its exercise programme, and had a positive impact on eating habits through onsite catering. This benefited students but also flowed into their families and the greater community.
Completing the LIC Hub building was huge in that it capped off 20 years of working with this client. It was the final piece of the puzzle on their Newstead Campus and has created a central heart where people meet, collaborate, mingle, share ideas, and present.
What changes have you seen take place in the architecture industry over the last three decades that have challenged or excited you?
Changes in technology have been huge. When I first started sketch design literally meant a hand drawn sketch, using coloured pencils to produce 3D perspectives on a piece of paper. Today a sketch design will generally entail a 3D model which you can spin around and walk through virtually.
What do you believe is the secret to successful design?
A great team, including the client, that is passionate about achieving a quality result despite any roadblocks that may be thrown at them.
If you hadn’t embarked on a career in architecture, what shape do you think your career would have taken?
Definitely a golf course designer so I get to play on a lot of golf courses for free!
Chow:Hill Architects
April 12, 2024